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Do you suffer from corns or calluses?

Calluses and hard skin form on the pressure points in our feet. These tend to be on the ball, heel, side of the foot and the toes, you’ll never get hard shin on the arch of your foot. Why – because shoes are flat and we spend most of our lives walking on flat surfaces which means the arch, which is about a third of the area of the foot, doesn’t sit on anything, putting additional pressure on the areas that do.

Hard skin can be painful as it means that the nerves in the feet are being squeezed by the hard skin and the bones in the feet. Also, When it hardens and cracks it leaves the foot open, to infection and can lead to corns and verruca ‘s forming in the damaged are. These are painful in themselves and can be difficult to get rid of because, even when the corn is ‘dug out’, the area is still damaged and open to further infection.

So, how do Sole Mates® help? Because our insoles contain a fluid, when you stand on them, the fluid is displaced right across the foot, under the ball and heel but also into the arch of the foot. This means more of the foot is being used to carry your weight, removing pressure points and making it more comfortable to walk. In doing this, the insoles help repair the damaged hard skin, which will reduce over a short period of time as your feet return to their natural healthy state. This in turn will help the kill off the corns and verruca’s as the damaged area heals, restoring a natural healthy environment for your feet.